Wednesday 5 January 2011

Meeeeeeerry New Year.

So we're into the studio again in 4 days. Being laid down are Zanussi vs Ant and an as-yet-unnamed. We've got 3 days, so hopefully this'll be enough time and this time next week we'll have 2 new recorded efforts. we've had ZvA ready to record for a while, and i've already demo'd the vocals, so am fairly confident with this one (aside from theo and calvin wanting to change a few riffs..), but the other...the other is like a tazmanian devil (the cartoon version) - small, ferocious and very fast. all lyrics are placed for this one, but we've not had a chance to demo it yet, and theo wants to add another part to it so I guess we'll see what the hell happens.

we've only got one gig coming up, an alldayer at The Well (leeds) on Sat 29th Jan. It's a benefit for a cancer charity I think, our friend Paul from Curses is hooking it up, so hopefully it'll be a fun busy one and we can get some money for a good cause. but yeah, that gig aside, Nothing. so if you're reading this and fancy seeing us, bug whoever it is who books gigs in your town, we wanna play Everywhere!

Nothing else sorted yet - hopefully when we're all together in the studio I can nail the other guys down to dates they can tour, and we can get something booked for maybe the Easter break, and I need to get on with screening more shirts, but we don't have anything else on the cards...we've still got limited number of the CDr version of our EP, get in touch if you need a copy (

And that's pretty much in closing, expect new songs soon, big news on the release soon after, shirts and CDr requests to the email address, and gig offers are most definitely wanted.

- Steve

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