Wednesday 4 August 2010

British August, lush.

So, what's new then...

Well, next week we're setting out on the road on something of a tour - initially a three-band tour, unfortunately We'll Die Smiling had to pull out..then some dates didn't get filled. As far as we know, we're hitting up Wolverhampton, Barrow-in-Furness and Southampton, though fingers crossed a few more dates will be pulled out of the bag at Zero Hour!

We're still no nearer to getting a man with a bass to play the low tones in our ramshackle band of reprobates, though a few potential individuals are in our when it surfaces!

The whole Can We Get A Bassist issue has dragged out for so long now that we've seemingly cemented "our sound" to the degree that people have even started to polarise towards one of the two mindsets regards even getting Bass involved in the mix, so now the issue has metamorphed from Can We into Should We...
Many interesting and surprisingly opinionated comments have been fired at us from a range of friends who's opinions we trust, and at present I think we're willing to sacrifice our existing "live sound" for the sake of potentially Huge-ifying it up, just gotta find the right chap, but still, who'd have thought the Absolute no-brainer of a band question, To Bass or Not To Bass, would cause so much contention.

We've started playing out a new song, Zanussi Versus Ant, and Theo's got another two doozeys for us to learn - one breaks the 7 minute mark I's a video of the new song getting it's live debut recently:

Merch?! Not yet..who knows! Can't think that there's much else to's to hoping next week is a Win!

- steve

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