Thursday 11 February 2010

You don't like how i'm living well fuck you.

Am just about recovered..last weekend was Exactly what this band is about - great dudes, great gigs and crazycrazy nights!

We'd not managed to practice for a while, so before Saturdays Nottingham shindig we met in Barnsley to kick out them jams..I found my dole cheque had landed a few days early so knew it was gonna get messy down the line.
The gig was a free-entry EP release show for the guys putting this thing together, Galleons, and we'd be pegged as headlining! We eased into the night with smiles and beers, Calvin discovered the venues OutRageous JagerBomb deal (one for £3.70, two for £3.50..yeah), banter with bands, first band (Royalty Must Die) weren't my cuppa tea but were definitely good enough at what they were doin to hold my attention. mainly due to a cool-as-shit guitarist & decent drummer.
Next were Hex from Petersborough...line-checked their way into the set with some Sabbath before tearing into some crusty fastcore fare, perfect! was expecting some metal pap with a name like that, but was Fully good-times..and seemed like nice dudes as well.
Galleons were next..none of us are hugely into the tech-metal thing in a "this is what i sit at home and listen to" context, but when a band does that shit good live it really smacks you about & forces your attentions. not sure it'd be the same on a larger stage, but in this small pub room they pretty much Dominated!
By this stage me & Calvin were firm friends of the JagerBomb scenario, and the beers were reasonably priced n'all so to say we were a suitably lubricated machine might just be understatement, though thankfully this didn't mean "Slurred Stumbling Steve Destroys Set Again" but lead to a fun set wi plenty of between song banter to pad out our Headliner set-length expectations!
People seemed to dig us, and the limited CD's we had were promtly given much for "We'll sell the CDs for petrol money".
Then we hit Rock City which..was messy. The walk back to Tom Galleons' flat was messier..cock or balls?!??!?! just don't ask...

I woke at 8am naked on a wooden floor unsure at to the bodies surrounding me..we all slowly woke and eventually left Tom to his Sunday.
Galleons were all Stirling dudes, Tom especially, so hopefully our exploits didn't burn that bridge!
Got ID'd at a service station whilst eating our BurgerKing meals...

After brief SundayAfternoon chills it was back to the rock - tonights was another free gig with label-mates (!) Maths, though after the fact felt a bit of a dick when I realised I'd not really said Hi or anything to 'em..don't know 'em, like, but figured we could make friends with 'em and kinda felt rude after-the-fact for not doing so.
But anyways, yeah, free gig, arrived to find Jameo at the bar and Rats For Candy just about to start..I think they're still to "eclectic" for my tastes, but hopefully down the line they'll refine their craft a bit further.
Lots of good folk in the house for the Freeness, Red Stripe mass consumption and then Knee Deep In The Dead. Again, not my cuppa tea, watching that band felt like I was watching a Battle Of The Bands audition or summat. Definitely good at what it's doing, that whole deathy metalcore thang, just not for me.
We'll Die Smiling next, and knew I'd love their set..TheWell had a particularly strong bass'y sound that night, so WDS sounded hella Mighty! Easily my favourite band of the night - incredible energy, ambitious songs, awesome dudes!
Had only heard a few Maths tracks off their Myspace, wasn't sure what to expect, expectations surpassed! bad band-energy aside, these guys have a Killer sound, really pushing the envelope with regards not so much What they're playing but How, and that The Well's sound guy was on the money that night (well, off-stage anyways, had Zero vocal in the stage monitors when we played..) fully delivered their sound with the gusto it needed.

Was all set to walk back to the hood when i'm told there's a lock-in at Santiago's bar for Superbowl Sunday..umyes?! Got to bed sometime after 4, what a fucking great weekend!

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